Friday, September 20, 2013

Chaplain's Corner

I realize its been awhile since I have posted this column in the
newsletter after Chappy asked me to write it. In our group we have
various faiths and beliefs, and as true Americans this is what it
should all be about. For now, we still have the freedom to worship
the way we see fit. The key point after doing so, is that we
live it.

Sometimes it can be difficult to sit down and write an article
to inspire others, but yet satisfy one's spiritual needs as well. One
subject I think we can never get enough of is "eternal life". I can
continue writing on this topic for the remainder of the day, and still
not complete it.

As true believers we are promised eternal life, if we accept Jesus
Christ as our personal savour, and we living according to the Holy
Bible. We have to go to HIM with a sincere heart, and through faith,
and be saved by HIS grace. Thats the only way to get in...(get into
Heaven). You see, we can't make it by simply doing good works and
deeds.....we certainly can't buy our way one can pray us
in. You and I get there by a one on one relationship with God the
Father. We go to HIM with a genuine sincere heart and ask for HIS
forgiveness. Yes, we have to repent of our sins and go to HIM by
way of the Cross.

Allow me to preach to you if you will for a moment. This is what I
do best at, and God allows me to. I have already delivered a message
on John 3:16 at the reunion at Decatur, Texas a few years ago. Let's
go back to the cross for a moment and re-examine our lives for the
Holy Bible tells us:

16. For God so loved the world (means gives to us the God kind of
love) that HE gave HIS only begotten Son (gave HIM up to the Cross,
for thats what it took to redeem humanity), that whosover believes in
HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17. Gor God sent not HIS Son into the world to condemn the world
(means that the object of Christ's mission was to save, but the issue
to those who reject HIM must and only be condemnation); but that
the world through HIM might be saved ( Jesus Christ is the only
Salvation for the world; there is no other! as well, HE is Salvation
only through the Cross; consequently, the Cross must ever be the
object of our faith).

18. He who believes on HIM is not condemned (is not condemned
to be eternally lost in the Lake of Fire forever): but he who believes
not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name
of the only begotten Son of God (all this refers to Christ and what HE
did at the Cross in order to redeem humanity; Salvation is never by
good works, but rather by Grace through Faith, with the Cross ever
being the object of that Faith).

When we speak of eternal life or eternal death that exactly what
it is. Eternal means "forever". Eternal life is a new life and a new
body in a new Heaven where we can live with no problems, no
sickness, no pain. Eternal Death is not just going down there to
burn up. This is a "forever" torment...filled with pain and suffering.
There will be people of all walks of life down there that rejected God
and turned away. There will be fighting, gnashing of teeth, cussing
one another.....and burning forever in those fires of Hell.

I don't know about you, but for me....I have made the choice of
eternal life. I want to walk down those streets of gold, I want to praise
and magnify the Lord, I want to hear the heavenly angelic hosts sing.
I want to see each and every one of you, all my friends and family in
the realm of eternal life. However, that choice is ours and ours
alone. What will your choice be?

God's Blessings,

Tom Lewis

Friday, September 13, 2013

From Your President

Greetings Wingers
Just a few lines to let you all know the latest on our reunion Oct 25, 26, and 27th in Dumas Ar.
Bill and Mary Moore are hosting this year, the schedule 
Friday Meet and Greet at the American Legion Bld. a short distance from Hotel
Saturday a Museum tour and pottery store visit, later that evening a banquet and the AUCTION, again at the American Legion Bld. with our own Alan Meyer as auctioneer. Everyone is asked to donate something for the AUCTION hand made, home made of something unique we have loads of fun and raise money to support the reunion and help our members.
Sunday Breakfast and farewell with Devotional.
We’ll be staying at the DAYS INN in Dumas  870-382-4449 mention Clinton Sherman reunion for good rate, there will be strip maps available at the hotel.
Please let us know if you will be attending so the Moore's can make proper arrangements for food. Times for all activities will come later.
Hope you can all attend, life is short and these reunions sure are fun, if anyone needs assistance please let us know.
We sure do miss our Vice President Paul Hickenbottom and the Blog he and daughter Georgia so faithfully post, I’ve no new news to give you on his recovery, Mary and Georgia have their hands full but Georgia has requested that anyone with articles to put on the Blog send then to Paul's email address, and as soon as there is news I will post it.
Please keep Paul and his family in your Prayers.
I am sending this to Georgia to post on the Blog and also to all wingers incase you can't get on the Blog. 
Until next time
Your CSAFB President
Richard Chapman