Tuesday, September 30, 2014

In Memory of BK Allen

From the President:

Hello Wingers,

I asked Tom Lewis if he would write a prayer for B K, which I think he did a great job doing. He also included one of his memories of working with B K, which I think that B K would have enjoyed reading.

From our Chaplain:  

   Our group was saddened with the news of the loss of B.K. Allen recently.  He was taken to his eternal resting place, and will now no longer be plagued with the pain and suffering that the dreaded disease of cancer causes us to endure.
   We wish for Jill and the family to continue on and we pray for their peace and comfort that only time will heal the wounds.  B.K. Allen will be missed dearly by us all.
   At CSAFB those of us that served under him knew as long as we did our jobs, and never backed away from responsibility we had a supervisor that stood along beside us.  None of us wanted to see him look at us with that certain look that only "he" could give.  I remember one occasion when I was on weekend standby duty, that the M-246 wrecker broke down on the flight line in front of one of the B-52's and the Wing Commander called Sgt. Allen at his home telling that the wrecker needed to be moved,and "now" !
Probably at that time I was already on location and hooking up to the M-246,(after checking with Sgt. Meyer for advice on the proper way to tow a heavy M-series with a light F-350 wrecker).  As I approached the motor pool gates with the tow.....who do you think was standing there waiting on me?
Yep....it was Sgt. B.K. Allen.  Not only was he there to make certain I towed the M-series, but...as I crawled under to adjust the clutch all the way out....Sgt. B.K. Allen crawled under from the other side and was handing me wrenches getting dirty and greasy right along side this lowly three striper. 
Thats only one memory, and I am sure we can all add a lot more of them,...but due to limited space we cannot put them to print.
The group joins the Allen Family in sharing the loss of B.K. as well as holding onto the precious memories we all have.  Also, we want to add that this group is family,and we will always be there for you.  Jill and Family....simply put....we love you.  Just look up to Jesus, have faith in HIM, and HE will take care of your needs.
Let us pray......Dear Lord.....we ask you to send YOUR peace to those who are mourning.  Continue to surround them with family, friends, and loved ones who will offer
words of comfort.  Give them sweet and restful sleep.
We ask you to remove the spirit of heaviness from them, and give them garments of praise.  In due time, bless their lives to overflow with laughter and joy again.  As they take refuge in YOU, please help them to put their trust in YOU.
Lord we ask that YOU help the family to not look back, but to press forward.  We thank you Father...for allowing  "B.K." to be a special part of our lives.
Tom Lewis

Let the Games Begin!

The USAF is armed, fueled and ready.  Let the games begin!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

From the New President

Hello Wingers,
Mary & I just arrived back home yesterday, from our trip to Fetus, Missouri, to be with all of you. From Fetus we traveled on to Mt. Pleasant and FairfieldIowa to be with family and friends and old high school classmates. Talk about tired. !!!!

Since we were not able to attend the reunion last year, this reunion was extra special to us. Dennis and Mary Ann did a Great job putting on and sponsoring this year’s reunion. The outing trips were a lot of fun and very educational. Some of you went very high in the sky, while others bumped along on a camel. I appreciate the Best Western Hotel allowing us to use their breakfast area to hold our meetings. Poppy's Restaurant prepared a great meal. "Many Thanks" go to Dennis and members of his family for making this a special evening.  
Once again, Alan Myer did a great job handling the auction. A big "Thank You" goes to everyone who brought items to be auctioned off and to those who supported the group with a purchase of each of these items.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big "Thank You" to Richard for heading up this Association as president for the last 2 years.  I hope you know I was only kidding, after I was elected as your new president, when I said "I would do a better job than Richard had done". That is just not possible. Richard has done a Great job and he will be a hard act to follow. A "Thank You" also goes out to Bill Moore, Tom Lewis and Pam Chapman for their continued support of Richard and this Association.

You have elected me as your President for the next year, along with Dennis Kinworthy as your Vice-President, Tom Lewis as your Chaplain and Pam Chapman as your Sec/Treasurer. We all "Thank You" for your vote of confidence and will work to the best of our ability to do the best job possible for our Association.
Next year the reunion will be held in CullmanAlabama and hosted by Ron and Joyce Hamby. We look forward to going to Alabama and sampling the Alabama hospitality.
Remember we have a blog, and the only way to make it a success is if you use it.
Please stay in touch and pray for our members who are, or may be, facing health issues.
Here is some contact information:
Paul Hickenbottom, President
4202 Donna Court
GranburyTexas 76049
682-936-2095 - Home
713-962-2940 - Cell
Thanks to everyone,

Monday, September 22, 2014

From Your Outgoing President

Greetings All
A few lines from your outgoing president.
The reunion in Festus Missouri was GRAND, The Kinworthy’s did an excellent job of hosting.
The AUCTION was again a huge success and loads of fun thanks to Alan Meyer and everyone who participated.
We have a new President and Vice president for the upcoming year, Paul Hickenbottom was elected president and Dennis Kinworthy vice president, with Tom Lewis Chaplain and Pam Chapman Sec. Treasurer.
 Paul and Dennis have some new ideas for the group and I know we’re in good hands with them.
We had one new member this year Dick Sansoucie, WELCOME.
The REUNION will be hosted by Ron and Joyce Hamby for 2015 in Cullman Alabama, so mark it on your calendar.
I’ll let the new president give more details from the reunion, one last thing please put
Billie K Allen
Linda Carter
Nancy Finch
Wilbert Brown
and I know there’s many more but these could use a prayer for special needs now.
Thanks to ALL
Be sure and check out the BLOG just click belowSmile