Thursday, September 25, 2014

From the New President

Hello Wingers,
Mary & I just arrived back home yesterday, from our trip to Fetus, Missouri, to be with all of you. From Fetus we traveled on to Mt. Pleasant and FairfieldIowa to be with family and friends and old high school classmates. Talk about tired. !!!!

Since we were not able to attend the reunion last year, this reunion was extra special to us. Dennis and Mary Ann did a Great job putting on and sponsoring this year’s reunion. The outing trips were a lot of fun and very educational. Some of you went very high in the sky, while others bumped along on a camel. I appreciate the Best Western Hotel allowing us to use their breakfast area to hold our meetings. Poppy's Restaurant prepared a great meal. "Many Thanks" go to Dennis and members of his family for making this a special evening.  
Once again, Alan Myer did a great job handling the auction. A big "Thank You" goes to everyone who brought items to be auctioned off and to those who supported the group with a purchase of each of these items.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big "Thank You" to Richard for heading up this Association as president for the last 2 years.  I hope you know I was only kidding, after I was elected as your new president, when I said "I would do a better job than Richard had done". That is just not possible. Richard has done a Great job and he will be a hard act to follow. A "Thank You" also goes out to Bill Moore, Tom Lewis and Pam Chapman for their continued support of Richard and this Association.

You have elected me as your President for the next year, along with Dennis Kinworthy as your Vice-President, Tom Lewis as your Chaplain and Pam Chapman as your Sec/Treasurer. We all "Thank You" for your vote of confidence and will work to the best of our ability to do the best job possible for our Association.
Next year the reunion will be held in CullmanAlabama and hosted by Ron and Joyce Hamby. We look forward to going to Alabama and sampling the Alabama hospitality.
Remember we have a blog, and the only way to make it a success is if you use it.
Please stay in touch and pray for our members who are, or may be, facing health issues.
Here is some contact information:
Paul Hickenbottom, President
4202 Donna Court
GranburyTexas 76049
682-936-2095 - Home
713-962-2940 - Cell
Thanks to everyone,

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