Thursday, April 10, 2014

Reunion 2013-Pictures and Update from the President

Greetings from your newly REELECTED President!

I just wanted to let everyone know how the 5th annual CSAFB reunion turned out. It was great . Friday night found us at the Dumas American Legion with pizza and good fellowship, 8 personnel were present with their families, we had

Billie K. and Jill Allen
Alan and Linda Meyer
Bill and Mary Moore
Ron and Joyce Hamby
Rudy and Nancy Finch
Dennis and Mary Ann Kinworthy
Richard and Pam Chapman
Ben Raines, our newest member.

Friday and Saturday were both filled with activities for guys and gals, tours of parks and museums , restaurants, pottery stores and a trip to the country village with a little bit of a lot of things.

Saturday night back at the Legion Hall a feast of BBQ pork and chicken with all the trimmings. It was FINE!!!!!!! Thanks to Bill and Mary's sons Kelvin and Nolin, their family and friends for cooking and getting things ready for us.

(A note ) Alan Meyer said Grace for all meals, for an Ol' Cowboy he sure did a fine job of Blessing the food with his beautiful Prayers.

While we ate we were entertained by one of Mary's friends, Diane Fisher, who sung several songs to put us in the mood for the AUCTION.

After the entertainment, the business meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Next was the Secretary/Treasury Report, then Old Business and then on to New Business. Billie K and Jill Allen gave a generous donation to the group for a hotel room donated by Eugene Austin and Carole, we wish to thank them all.

We then introduced the newest member of the group Ben Raines, then a letter was read from Paul Hickenbottom with good news on his recovery and no cancer.

Next Dennis Kinworthy said he and Mary Ann would host the reunion in St. Louis next year 2014, more information to follow.

Officers for 2014 are
President Richard Chapman
Vice President Bill Moore
Secretary/Treasurer Pam Chapman
Chaplain Tom Louis
Paul HIckenbottom agreed to continue the Blog along with the help of his daughter Georgia. Note the blog address is at the top of the page for anyone having trouble, just click on it.

The Auction was very exciting with Alan Meyer having the hall ringing with his auctioneering and modeling of some unique items, thanks to all who donated. Extra thanks to Paul and Mary for sending items and the posters shared by all and to Alan and Linda for cards for all in attendance, and to Carole who made sure the book Flags of our Fathers made it to the Auction, which was purchased this year by me, Richard Chapman. The Auction brought in over $850.00

We really want to thank our hosts, the Moores, and their family for a great reunion. Hope I didn’t leave anyone out, there will be pictures to follow. Be sure to check out the blog for all pictures and recipes on the Tasty Tuesday page.

Thanks and hope to see all at the 2014 reunion

Richard Chapman

To get you in the mood to start thinking about our reunion, take a look at these reminders from September.  If anyone has the names of the individuals in the pictures, I would be delighted to post them as well.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reunion 2014--Meet Me in St. Louis!

Hello Wingers!  It's not a typo!  We have another great reunion update.  Dennis and Mary Ann Kinworthy will be our hosts for the 2014 Reunion to be held in St. Louis, MO, one of my most favorite towns!  
We'll be staying at the Best Western located at 1200 W. Gannon Drive, Festus, MO.  The phone number is 636-937-0700.  The rates for a king room is $79.99 + tax and for two beds the price is $69.99 + tax.  (They have a good breakfast, too!)  
The Best Western has a conference room that can be used for the meet and greet on Friday night.  And anyone who would like to come a day early, we can make a trip to Grant's Farm.  Email Dennis directly at if you are interested in visiting Grant's Farm.  
Dennis has reserved a bus to take everyone to the St. Louis Arch on Saturday for $10. Tickets for the Arch will be purchased online.  However, if you are claustrophobic, you might want to skip out on this part of the adventure!  There is a security check at the Arch, but if you don't go up, you can visit the Museum of Westward Expansion.  The Solider's Memorial we also plan to visit is free.  Afterward, we'll head back to the motel and out for a nice dinner at Poppy's Italian Restaurant.  
The dates of the Reunion are September 12-14, 2014.  Hope to see you there!