Dear Clinton Sherman friends my name is Dennis Kinworthy, I was a B-52 Crew Chief at CSAFB from 1966 to 1970. The reunion in 2014 will be south of St Louis. Friday night we will meet old and new members and have some things to eat at a hotel to be named later. On Saturday we will board a bus for a trip to the St. Louis Arch for a trip to the top, then take some time to look around the museum under the arch. After a small lunch then its off to Anhueser Busch Brewery for a tour. After a long day its back south for a dinner at the restaurant, we ask everyone to donate something for the auction with Alan. Up Sunday  and have breakfast and say our goodbyes till 2015. I know some of you may came a day or two early if anyone would like we can make a trip to Grant's Farm. We can drive cars it's not that hard to get there plus parking is available. You will find President Grant's Cabin and his first home. I think you will enjoy it. Hope to see everyone in St Louis. We are looking at the first weekend in September the 5th. to the 7th., I hope everyone will be able to make it.
Dennis G. Kinworthy