In this day and time we are certainly in the "End Times" if we just
look around us, and pay attention to what is going on all over the
world. If you have the time I would encourage you to read all of
Matthew 24 at your leisure.
If you look at verse 3, the disciples ask the Lord when they could
expect the end of the world to come.
v. 4-35 Jesus tells them of the many things which will take place
in the last days.
v. 36-51 Jesus makes a pleas for men to be ready to meet HIM
when he does come.
I have to write or preach on what God gives me and at the time
HE gives it to me. There can be no soft toe stepping around things,
but to state it just like it is. When we talk of the "End Times" it has
to be dealt with in all sincerity.
The second coming is not in just one, but in two parts. First, we
have the "Rapture". This is where Jesus will call all those who have
virtually received HIM to come home. He will raise the believer's
from the dead....and those who are living up to Heaven to be with
HIM forever.
But....part two...will take place approximately seven years later. This
event will see the return of Jesus in "full glory and power". It is here that
HE will descend upon the world and defeat all of HIS enemies....and will
establish His kingdowm upon the earth.
He will personally rule in peace and harmony for 1,000 years. I am
sure of the two events most of us would agree the Rapture is of the utmost
Its the next event on the prophetic calendar of God, and its going to
happen. It can happen at anytime, Jesus is going to return. So we
need to be ready.
A few things we need to understand regarding the Rapture. It will be sudden.
We are told it will take place in the twinkling of an eye. The bottom line
will either be ready or you won't. No announcements will be made, no
advertisements posted, HE will come for HIS people in a split second.
In other words,....yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissary
note, and today is the only spendable cash that we have.
It will also be solemn, because those who don't know the Lord will be left
behind. Today is the time of preparation. The Rapture will signal the beginning
of the Great Tribulation.
The Rapture will be shocking, many will expect to go to Heaven, but will be
left behind. Many have false hopes of Heaven, but remember....God knows
your heart. There is only one way to Salvation, once its obtained it carries a
priceless guarantee.
It will be satisfying, there will be a great reunion. With loved ones meeting,
don't forget the old saints, and Jesus will all be there. What a reunion this
will be !
You will have a glorified, new body. Just think there will be no more death,
sorrow, pain, suffering, etc. You will have a new home (the desires of your
heart). is just temporary. Heaven is eternal life ....if we are ready.
Also, one should understand it will be a sad event for some. If they are lost,
we as Christians will never see them again. I need to caution you, either way
its "forever" whether you are saved and have eternal life, or whether you are
lost and have eternal death. So yes, it will be a sad thing for some.
My infamous question is....."what about your"? Will your future be in Heaven
or Hell? If we have done things right it will be freedom for us. You see, we just
simply leave this old world behind and all of its problems.
If there exists the slightest doubt in your mind concerning your relationship with
HIM....then you need to do something about it and correct it before its too late.
Tom Lewis
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