Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tasty Tuesday!

It's Tasty Tuesday!  Join us on Tuesdays as we share our favorite recipes.  As the winter (hopefully) begins to wind down, this week we're focusing on our favorite chili recipe.  This recipe has been a staple around our family for many years.  I always knew what was for supper on the first cold day of the season!

In March, we will need your dessert recipes!  We're showcasing Desserts, one of my favorites!  Email Paul (phickenbottom@charter.net) to have your recipe included on Tasty Tuesdays next month.  While you're waiting though, try this one out!

Chili with a Kick!
1.5# hamburger meat
2 cans La Sierra Brand Whole Charro Beans
1 can tomatoes
1/3 c. Gebhardt Brand chili powder
1 t. minced garlic
1 small onion, peeled and chopped

In a 5-6 qt pot, add the ground beef, onions and garlic.  Cook the hamburger meat until brown, then drain.  Add the remaining ingredients, bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook approximately one hour.

Note:  Prepared this way, your chili will be pretty spicy.  To tone it down, dial back the chili powder to 1/4 cup or less.

What's your favorite chili recipe?  Leave us a note in the comments below and share your favorite!

Submitted by Paul Hickenbottom

1 comment:

  1. I have found the following beans as a good substitute for the beans listed above:

    La Costena Brand - Whole Pinto Beans

    Hopefully you can find one brand or the other where you live.

    Paul Hickenbottom
