Monday, December 1, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Pumpkin Crunch Cake
Alternative to Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Crunch Cake
2 cans pumpkin (plus ingredients for mixing)
1 yellow cake mix, with or without pudding in the mix
1 cup pecan pieces
2 sticks butter, sliced into one teaspoon pats
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a 9x13 glass baking dish by spraying with a vegetable or canola spray. Prepare pumpkin per instructions on can. Pour mix into baking dish. Sprinkle DRY cake mix evenly over top of pumpkin mix. Put pecan pieces all over top of cake mix. Put butter pats over top of other ingredients, covering all. Bake for about 45 minutes to an hour, or until golden on top and pumpkin is set.
Great warm or cold!
The Sacrifice
As I was passing by Florence National Cemetery 2 years ago, Emily, (who was 6 at the time) asked me, "What is that place and why does it (the tombstones) all look the same?"
I explained to her that it was a cemetery for those who served and or died in the military while defending our country and others for what is right and just.
Emily got really quiet and as I watched her deep in thought in the reflection of her window, she whispered to herself in a humble yet solemn hushed tone, "They died for me...the didn't even know me."
I was moved to tears witnessing my daughters understanding of their sacrifice and simply answered just as quietly and humbly, "Yes they did."
God Bless all who have served and thank you for your sacrifice, you will never be forgotten!
The Final Inspection
The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
'Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?'
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns
Can't always be a saint.
'I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
'But, I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.
'And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
'I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.
'If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.'
There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
'Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell.'
Author Unknown~
Sweet Hawaiian Crock-Pot Chicken
2 lb. Chicken tenderloin chunks
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup soy sauce
Combine all together, cook on low in Crock-pot 6-8 hours...that's it! Done! Serve with brown rice and you have a complete, easy meal!!
2 lb. Chicken tenderloin chunks
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup soy sauce
Combine all together, cook on low in Crock-pot 6-8 hours...that's it! Done! Serve with brown rice and you have a complete, easy meal!!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
What is a Veteran?
Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb,
a jagged scar, a certain look in their eye.
Others may carry the evidence inside them: a pin holding a bone
together, a piece of shrapnel in the leg, or perhaps another sort of inner
steel; the soul's ally forged in the refinery of adversity.
Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept America
safe wear no badge or emblem.
He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia
sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't
run out of fuel.
He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose
overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the cosmic
scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38th parallel.
She-or he- is the nurse who fought against futility and went to
sleep sobbing every night for two solid years at Da Nang .
He is the POW who went away one person and came back
another - or didn't come back AT ALL!
He is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat - but
has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang
members into MARINES, and teaching them to watch each others backs.
He is the parade riding Legionaire who pins on his ribbons and
medals with a prosthetic hand.
He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and
medals pass by.
He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns,
whose presence at the Arlington
National Cemetery
must forever preserve the memory of all the anonymous whose valor dies
unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep.
He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket - palsied now
and aggravatingly slow - who helped liberate a Nazi death camp, and who wishes
all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when the nightmares
He is an ordinary yet extraordinary human being - a person who
sacrificed some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country,
and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice their's.
He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness,
and he is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the
finest, the greatest nation ever known.
So remember, each time you see someone who has served our
country, just lean over and say THANK YOU. That's all most people need, and in
most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or
were rewarded. Two little words that mean a lot "THANK YOU"!
- Father Denis Edward O'Brien USMC
Contributed by Don Warhurst
When we gather around our flag,
our heart beneath our hand.
A prayer should be on our lips
for the veterans who took a stand.
On the ramparts of Fort McHenry,
the bloody battlefields of ol' Bull Run ,
atop of San Juan Hill ,
the muddy trenches of WWI.
They stood on the decks of destroyers,
hunting the U - Boats down.
The wards of a dim lit hospital
where weary nurses are found.
They rushed the beaches of Normandy,
flew bombers over Japan ,
defended South
Korea ,
walked the jungles of Viet Nam .
They were forced to crouch in cages,
their hands were bound with rope,
still they honored God and Country,
and filled our hearts with hope.
They scorched across the desert sands,
in Black Hawks on patrol.
They served this Nation proudly,
on the doomed USS COLE.
Our freedom is not our birthright,
and courage knows no gender.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
In Honor of Billy Allen
SEPTEMBER 19, 1927 - SEPTEMBER 28, 2014
Billy K. Allen, 87, passed away peacefully on the 28th September 2014 at his home with family by his side. He was born the 19th September 1927 in Alton, IL. He was the only son of Herbert Clyde and Leona (Schneider)Allen. He attended Alton Senior High School and was a member of the Marching 100 Band. He graduated in 1945 and enlisted in the United states Army Air Corp. In 1947 he transferred to the United States Air force. In 1951 Billy was on a military tour of duty to England where he met the love of his life Jill (Smith) she survives. They married in 1955. They have three children, Michael and wife Mary Ann (Duffin) Allen, Allison (Allen) Delehanty and David Allen. While serving in the military he did several tours of duty overseas including Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. After a total of 26 years of service to his country, he retired in 1973 as a Master Sgt. He was a lifetime member of the VFW Post 1308 and the Alton Eagles. He enjoyed his family and friends, trout fishing with his wife and he was an avid St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan. Billy was able to enjoy many Air Force Reunions. Also surviving are his four grandchildren, Carrie Allen, Darren Delehanty, Rachel Delehanty, Laura Allen and four great grandchildren, Carlie Ann O’Neill, Matthew Allen Johnson, Ashley Ann Delehanty and Brynlee Rose Delehanty. Preceding him in death were his parents, Herbert and Leona (Schneider) and his sister, Gail (Allen) Campus. Visitation will be held at Gent Funeral Home on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Where a memorial service will be on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. with Father David Boase officiating. Burial immediately following at Valhalla Memorial Park in Godfrey with Full Military Honors by VFW Post 1308. Memorials may be made to the VFW Post 1308 and/or Resurrection Lutheran Church, Godfrey, IL in lieu of flowers. A luncheon will be provided by the VFW following the funeral. Special thanks to St. Anthony’s Hospice for their care and dedicated nurses.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
In Memory of BK Allen
From the President:
Hello Wingers,
I asked Tom Lewis if he would write a prayer for B K, which I think he did a great job doing. He also included one of his memories of working with B K, which I think that B K would have enjoyed reading.
From our Chaplain:
Our group was saddened with the news of the loss of B.K. Allen recently. He was taken to his eternal resting place, and will now no longer be plagued with the pain and suffering that the dreaded disease of cancer causes us to endure.
We wish for Jill and the family to continue on and we pray for their peace and comfort that only time will heal the wounds. B.K. Allen will be missed dearly by us all.
At CSAFB those of us that served under him knew as long as we did our jobs, and never backed away from responsibility we had a supervisor that stood along beside us. None of us wanted to see him look at us with that certain look that only "he" could give. I remember one occasion when I was on weekend standby duty, that the M-246 wrecker broke down on the flight line in front of one of the B-52's and the Wing Commander called Sgt. Allen at his home telling that the wrecker needed to be moved,and "now" !
Probably at that time I was already on location and hooking up to the M-246,(after checking with Sgt. Meyer for advice on the proper way to tow a heavy M-series with a light F-350 wrecker). As I approached the motor pool gates with the tow.....who do you think was standing there waiting on me? was Sgt. B.K. Allen. Not only was he there to make certain I towed the M-series, I crawled under to adjust the clutch all the way out....Sgt. B.K. Allen crawled under from the other side and was handing me wrenches getting dirty and greasy right along side this lowly three striper.
Thats only one memory, and I am sure we can all add a lot more of them,...but due to limited space we cannot put them to print.
The group joins the Allen Family in sharing the loss of B.K. as well as holding onto the precious memories we all have. Also, we want to add that this group is family,and we will always be there for you. Jill and Family....simply put....we love you. Just look up to Jesus, have faith in HIM, and HE will take care of your needs.
Let us pray......Dear Lord.....we ask you to send YOUR peace to those who are mourning. Continue to surround them with family, friends, and loved ones who will offer
words of comfort. Give them sweet and restful sleep.
We ask you to remove the spirit of heaviness from them, and give them garments of praise. In due time, bless their lives to overflow with laughter and joy again. As they take refuge in YOU, please help them to put their trust in YOU.
Lord we ask that YOU help the family to not look back, but to press forward. We thank you Father...for allowing "B.K." to be a special part of our lives.
Tom Lewis
Chaplain's Corner,
From the President,
With Sympathy
Thursday, September 25, 2014
From the New President
Hello Wingers,
Mary & I just arrived back home yesterday, from our trip to Fetus, Missouri, to be with all of you. From Fetus we traveled on to Mt. Pleasant and Fairfield, Iowa to be with family and friends and old high school classmates. Talk about tired. !!!!
Since we were not able to attend the reunion last year, this reunion was extra special to us. Dennis and Mary Ann did a Great job putting on and sponsoring this year’s reunion. The outing trips were a lot of fun and very educational. Some of you went very high in the sky, while others bumped along on a camel. I appreciate the Best Western Hotel allowing us to use their breakfast area to hold our meetings. Poppy's Restaurant prepared a great meal. "Many Thanks" go to Dennis and members of his family for making this a special evening.
Once again, Alan Myer did a great job handling the auction. A big "Thank You" goes to everyone who brought items to be auctioned off and to those who supported the group with a purchase of each of these items.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big "Thank You" to Richard for heading up this Association as president for the last 2 years. I hope you know I was only kidding, after I was elected as your new president, when I said "I would do a better job than Richard had done". That is just not possible. Richard has done a Great job and he will be a hard act to follow. A "Thank You" also goes out to Bill Moore, Tom Lewis and Pam Chapman for their continued support of Richard and this Association.
You have elected me as your President for the next year, along with Dennis Kinworthy as your Vice-President, Tom Lewis as your Chaplain and Pam Chapman as your Sec/Treasurer. We all "Thank You" for your vote of confidence and will work to the best of our ability to do the best job possible for our Association.
Next year the reunion will be held in Cullman, Alabama and hosted by Ron and Joyce Hamby. We look forward to going to Alabama and sampling the Alabama hospitality.
Remember we have a blog, and the only way to make it a success is if you use it.
Please stay in touch and pray for our members who are, or may be, facing health issues.
Here is some contact information:
Paul Hickenbottom, President
4202 Donna Court
Granbury, Texas 76049
682-936-2095 - Home
713-962-2940 - Cell
Thanks to everyone,
Monday, September 22, 2014
From Your Outgoing President
Paul and Dennis have some new ideas for the group and I know we’re in good hands with them.Greetings AllA few lines from your outgoing president.The reunion in Festus Missouri was GRAND, The Kinworthy’s did an excellent job of hosting.The AUCTION was again a huge success and loads of fun thanks to Alan Meyer and everyone who participated.We have a new President and Vice president for the upcoming year, Paul Hickenbottom was elected president and Dennis Kinworthy vice president, with Tom Lewis Chaplain and Pam Chapman Sec. Treasurer.
We had one new member this year Dick Sansoucie, WELCOME.The REUNION will be hosted by Ron and Joyce Hamby for 2015 in Cullman Alabama, so mark it on your calendar.I’ll let the new president give more details from the reunion, one last thing please putBillie K AllenLinda CarterNancy FinchWilbert Brownand I know there’s many more but these could use a prayer for special needs now.Thanks to ALLChappyBe sure and check out the BLOG just click below
Monday, August 11, 2014
Chaplain's Corner
Chappy has asked me to submit a spiritual article from time to time for your reading pleasure. I generally almost write a sermon when I get started. Most of you know that I am not a licensed minister....yet....but perhaps I will be before God takes me home. I do a lot of layman ministering in our little country church, and where ever we go. Doris is a big help to me with her staunch stand for Jesus Christ and what HE has done for us. HE paid the ultimate price, HIS life.....for you and I. When HE died on the cross at Calvary.....HE gave it "all".Yes, HE gave it all so that we could have eternal life. Most of us really don't comprehend the suffering,....the anguish.....the pain HE went through on that day. HE was spat on, punched, kicked, and whipped severely. (I need to explain the method used on HIM when they slashed HIM with the whip). This was not the common bullwhip as we know about. It was attached to a wooden handle, and had several strands of leather extending from it. At the end of the leather strips were pieces of metal and sometimes broken glass tied within. So when they struck Jesus on HIS body.....these pieces of jagged metal and broken glass would dig deep into the flesh and would rip open the flesh inflicting severe pain and bleeding.Yes, HE sufferred and died for us......HE paid the ultimate price for you and I. They not only stripped most of HIS clothing from him, but applied a crown of thorns to HIS head. That wasn't good they pressed the crown of thorns deeper into HIS head....again causing extreme pain and bleeding. These thorns were not just small, short stickers, they were long prongs of thorns and vines. They wanted to cause injury and pain to our Lord.HE was mocked before and after the crucifixion. Even while HE was on the cross they told HIM...."If you are truly the Son of God....come down off the cross". They tried to give HIM vinegar to drink (which HE refused)....and while HE was on the cross, HE still demonstrated HIS forgiving nature. HE asked for forgiveness to those that put HIM on the cross and said, "For they know not what they are doing". He also told one of the others crucified along with HIM that he would join HIM in Paradise (Heaven).Our God is a loving God. HE loves us unconditionally. Jesus is the answer to Salvation. The time is short, we observe what is written in the Holy Bible...nearly on a daily basis. Wars are going on, blood is being spilled,....we know not the day nor the hour when Jesus will come to claim HIS own. Is your name writtend down in the Lamb's Book of Life in Heaven?Tom Lewis
From Our Chaplain: In Memory of Flynn Boyden
The group was deeply saddened to learn of the loss of Flynn Boyden. Our little group is getting smaller as life goes on. I remember Flynn when we were at CSAFB .....some of the memories are of him and "Jonesy" riding their motorcycles as major transportation for a time. Later on, if my memory serves me correctly I think Flynn bought him a car....a "Duster" a close resemblance to the one Chappy drove.Flynn worked in another section in our squadron so I was never in direct contact with him, but would see him occasionally walking from the motor pool entrance gate to his duty section, or either entering the Transportation barracks when I had CQ duty.I know that all "Wingers" join me in extending our sympathies to Darlene and all of the family at this time in the loss of their loved one. We pray for peace and comfort to follow and time to heal all wounds. Also, to simply say...even though Flynn has gone on and resting in the heavenly arms of our Saviour....we want Darlene to know that she is still a part of this little group.
--Tom Lewis
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Reunion Update
Greetings All:Here it is August already and nearly time for our 6th Annual CSAFB Reunion, if you haven’t made your reservations yet better (GET R DONE), when you call the Best Western, see number below, press 0 and mention Clinton Sherman reunion and clerk will take care of you, if you press 2 for reservations you’ll be transferred to main office operator.Don’t forget bring something for the AUCTION, anything unusual, handmade, homemade or just stuff, this has become a big hit and a great part of the reunion.Anyone needing assistance with transportation or lodging feel free to contact myself or Mr. Bill Moore V/P and we will assist you anyway we can.Dennis and Mary Ann have a great weekend planned for us so come early if you can and see the sites.A buss is set up to take us to the Arch in St. Louis on Saturday so we can all stay together and not worry about traffic.Any questions contact me 270-668-2021Dennis 314-805-2309Bill Moore 870-377-0667Please see Itinerary below.SincerelyRichard Chapman,President
2014 6th Annual Clinton-Sherman Wings Reunion
When: September 12 through September 14, 2014-05-21
Where: Festus, Missouri
Host: Dennis and Mary Ann Kenworthy
Lodging: Best Western Hotel
1200 W/ Gannon Drive
Festus, Missouri
Rates: $69.99 plus tax – 2 standard beds; $79.99 plus tax – 1 King
(note: mention you are with CS group to receive above rates)
Check-In after 2:00 p.m.
9:00 (approximately) - Grant’s Farm Tour – come Thursday to take tour on Friday morning (entry fee)
6:00 p.m. – Welcome, Meet and Greet at Hotel
A.M. – Complimentary Breakfast Bar at Hotel
9:30 to noon – Soldier Memorial – meet in hotel lobby at 9:30 sharp for bus to Memorial; (free)
12:30 – Lunch – on your own
1:30 – Trip to St. Louis Arch (entry fee)
5:00 – Return to hotel for clean-up
6:00 – Dinner at Poppy’s Italian Restaurant (approx. 1 mile from hotel)
cost of meal to be absorbed by the Association
Business Meeting and Auction following dinner (remember to bring items to be auctioned)
A.M. - Meet in hotel for breakfast, devotions, and good-byes!
With Sympathy
Greetings All:Unfortunately I am sending this Obituary for our fellow Airman and friend, Flynn Boyden. We knew him, laughed with him and at him, wish he could have made one of our reunions.
Born on May 16, 1947, in Wellsboro, he was the son of Charles H. and Mary Bette (Lawrence) Boyden. Flynn was predeceased by his wife, Patricia Ann Boyden.
Prior to his retirement, Flynn was employed as a heavy equipment operator with House Wood Products Company. He was a United States Air Force veteran and served during the Vietnam War. Flynn was a member of the Mansfield V.F.W. and enjoyed carpentry, mowing the lawn in the trailer park and was a handyman.
Flynn is survived by his mother, Bette Boyden; his fiancé, Darlene Dickinson of Mansfield; two daughters, Shelley and Mary; two step-daughters, Kim (Fred) Bolt of Mansfield, Teresa (Eric) Cowan of Covington; one step-son, Thomas (Liz) Tracy of Lawrenceville; three brothers, James (Donna) Boyden of Mainesburg, John Boyden of New Mexico, Bill Boyden of Mainesburg; one sister, Donna (John) Elsbree of Troy; his fiance's children, John (Diane) Ritchie of Covington, Joshua (Jen) Ritchie of Blossburg, Mary (Ernest) Maines of Covington, John Dickinson of Mansfield, Melissa Dickinson of Covington; eight grandchildren and one great-grandson. In addition to his wife, Patricia, Flynn was also predeceased by his father, Charles Boyden.
Family and friends are invited to call on Saturday, July 5, from 9 to 10 a.m., at Buckheit Funeral Chapel and Crematory, Inc., 637 S. Main St., Mansfield. A funeral service will be held immediately following calling hours at at 10 a.m., at the funeral chapel with Pastor Dave Dressler officiating. Burial will be in the Fairview Cemetery, Holliday.
Family and friends are invited to call on Saturday, July 5, from 9 to 10 a.m., at Buckheit Funeral Chapel and Crematory, Inc., 637 S. Main St., Mansfield. A funeral service will be held immediately following calling hours at at 10 a.m., at the funeral chapel with Pastor Dave Dressler officiating. Burial will be in the Fairview Cemetery, Holliday.
Monday, May 26, 2014
2014 Reunion Update
2014 5th Annual Clinton-Sherman Wings Reunion
When: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
September 12 through September 14, 2014
Additional Day - Thursday, September 11 (see below)
Where: Festus ,
Hosts: Dennis & Mary Ann Kinworthy
Lodging: Best Western Hotel
1200 W. Gannon Drive
Rates: $69.99 plus tax – 2 Queen beds; $79.99 plus
tax – 1 King bed
(note: mention you
are with CS group to receive the above rates)
Check-In after 2:00 p.m.
Hotel offers
complimentary breakfast bar
Additional Day - Thursday
You are welcome to arrive a day early and take
tour on Friday morning (entry fee)
Cost of meal to be
absorbed by the Association.
Dinner Menu
Roast Beef or Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Dessert (cake) will
be provided by Dennis and Mary Ann
Business Meeting and
Auction following dinner (remember to bring items to be auctioned)
A.M. - Meet in hotel for breakfast, devotions, and
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Reunion 2013-Pictures and Update from the President
Greetings from your newly REELECTED President!
I just wanted to let everyone know how the 5th annual CSAFB reunion turned out. It was great
. Friday night found us at the Dumas American Legion with pizza and good fellowship, 8 personnel were present with their families, we had
Greetings from your newly REELECTED President!
I just wanted to let everyone know how the 5th annual CSAFB reunion turned out. It was great
Billie K. and Jill Allen
Alan and Linda Meyer
Bill and Mary Moore
Ron and Joyce Hamby
Rudy and Nancy Finch
Dennis and Mary Ann Kinworthy
Richard and Pam Chapman
Ben Raines, our newest member.
Friday and Saturday were both filled with activities for guys and gals, tours of parks and museums , restaurants, pottery stores and a trip to the country village with a little bit of a lot of things.
Saturday night back at the Legion Hall a feast of BBQ pork and chicken with all the trimmings. It was FINE!!!!!!! Thanks to Bill and Mary's sons Kelvin and Nolin, their family and friends for cooking and getting things ready for us.
(A note ) Alan Meyer said Grace for all meals, for an Ol' Cowboy he sure did a fine job of Blessing the food with his beautiful Prayers.
While we ate we were entertained by one of Mary's friends, Diane Fisher, who sung several songs to put us in the mood for the AUCTION.
After the entertainment, the business meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Next was the Secretary/Treasury Report, then Old Business and then on to New Business. Billie K and Jill Allen gave a generous donation to the group for a hotel room donated by Eugene Austin and Carole, we wish to thank them all.
We then introduced the newest member of the group Ben Raines, then a letter was read from Paul Hickenbottom with good news on his recovery and no cancer.
Next Dennis Kinworthy said he and Mary Ann would host the reunion in St. Louis next year 2014, more information to follow.
Officers for 2014 are
Alan and Linda Meyer
Bill and Mary Moore
Ron and Joyce Hamby
Rudy and Nancy Finch
Dennis and Mary Ann Kinworthy
Richard and Pam Chapman
Ben Raines, our newest member.
Friday and Saturday were both filled with activities for guys and gals, tours of parks and museums , restaurants, pottery stores and a trip to the country village with a little bit of a lot of things.
Saturday night back at the Legion Hall a feast of BBQ pork and chicken with all the trimmings. It was FINE!!!!!!! Thanks to Bill and Mary's sons Kelvin and Nolin, their family and friends for cooking and getting things ready for us.
(A note ) Alan Meyer said Grace for all meals, for an Ol' Cowboy he sure did a fine job of Blessing the food with his beautiful Prayers.
While we ate we were entertained by one of Mary's friends, Diane Fisher, who sung several songs to put us in the mood for the AUCTION.
After the entertainment, the business meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Next was the Secretary/Treasury Report, then Old Business and then on to New Business. Billie K and Jill Allen gave a generous donation to the group for a hotel room donated by Eugene Austin and Carole, we wish to thank them all.
We then introduced the newest member of the group Ben Raines, then a letter was read from Paul Hickenbottom with good news on his recovery and no cancer.
Next Dennis Kinworthy said he and Mary Ann would host the reunion in St. Louis next year 2014, more information to follow.
Officers for 2014 are
President Richard Chapman
Vice President Bill Moore
Secretary/Treasurer Pam Chapman
Chaplain Tom Louis
Vice President Bill Moore
Secretary/Treasurer Pam Chapman
Chaplain Tom Louis
Paul HIckenbottom agreed to continue the Blog along with the help of his daughter Georgia. Note the blog address is at the top of the page for anyone having trouble, just click on it.
The Auction was very exciting with Alan Meyer having the hall ringing with his auctioneering and modeling of some unique items, thanks to all who donated. Extra thanks to Paul and Mary for sending items and the posters shared by all and to Alan and Linda for cards for all in attendance, and to Carole who made sure the book Flags of our Fathers made it to the Auction, which was purchased this year by me, Richard Chapman. The Auction brought in over $850.00
We really want to thank our hosts, the Moores, and their family for a great reunion. Hope I didn’t leave anyone out, there will be pictures to follow. Be sure to check out the blog for all pictures and recipes on the Tasty Tuesday page.
Thanks and hope to see all at the 2014 reunion
Richard Chapman
The Auction was very exciting with Alan Meyer having the hall ringing with his auctioneering and modeling of some unique items, thanks to all who donated. Extra thanks to Paul and Mary for sending items and the posters shared by all and to Alan and Linda for cards for all in attendance, and to Carole who made sure the book Flags of our Fathers made it to the Auction, which was purchased this year by me, Richard Chapman. The Auction brought in over $850.00
We really want to thank our hosts, the Moores, and their family for a great reunion. Hope I didn’t leave anyone out, there will be pictures to follow. Be sure to check out the blog for all pictures and recipes on the Tasty Tuesday page.
Thanks and hope to see all at the 2014 reunion
Richard Chapman
To get you in the mood to start thinking about our reunion, take a look at these reminders from September. If anyone has the names of the individuals in the pictures, I would be delighted to post them as well.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Reunion 2014--Meet Me in St. Louis!
Hello Wingers! It's not a typo! We have another great reunion update. Dennis and Mary Ann Kinworthy will be our hosts for the 2014 Reunion to be held in St. Louis, MO, one of my most favorite towns!
We'll be staying at the Best Western located at 1200 W. Gannon Drive, Festus, MO. The phone number is 636-937-0700. The rates for a king room is $79.99 + tax and for two beds the price is $69.99 + tax. (They have a good breakfast, too!)
The Best Western has a conference room that can be used for the meet and greet on Friday night. And anyone who would like to come a day early, we can make a trip to Grant's Farm. Email Dennis directly at if you are interested in visiting Grant's Farm.
Dennis has reserved a bus to take everyone to the St. Louis Arch on Saturday for $10. Tickets for the Arch will be purchased online. However, if you are claustrophobic, you might want to skip out on this part of the adventure! There is a security check at the Arch, but if you don't go up, you can visit the Museum of Westward Expansion. The Solider's Memorial we also plan to visit is free. Afterward, we'll head back to the motel and out for a nice dinner at Poppy's Italian Restaurant.
The dates of the Reunion are September 12-14, 2014. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
It's Time to Mark Your Calendar! REUNION UPDATE!
The dates are set! Mark your calendar! We are excited to announce the dates and location for our 2014 reunion. Dennis and Mary Ann Kinworthy will be hosting us in the great state of Missouri! me in St. Louis, Gateway to the West, September 12-14, 2014. Arrangements have already been made for a bus to drive us to all our activities on Saturday and the reservations are made for Saturday's banquet. Updates will be coming!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
If you haven't paid your 2014 dues, please send your check for $25 to Pam Chapman.
Richard Chapman
If you haven't paid your 2014 dues, please send your check for $25 to Pam Chapman.
Richard Chapman
Chaplain's Corner
In this day and time we are certainly in the "End Times" if we just
look around us, and pay attention to what is going on all over the
world. If you have the time I would encourage you to read all of
Matthew 24 at your leisure.
If you look at verse 3, the disciples ask the Lord when they could
expect the end of the world to come.
v. 4-35 Jesus tells them of the many things which will take place
in the last days.
v. 36-51 Jesus makes a pleas for men to be ready to meet HIM
when he does come.
I have to write or preach on what God gives me and at the time
HE gives it to me. There can be no soft toe stepping around things,
but to state it just like it is. When we talk of the "End Times" it has
to be dealt with in all sincerity.
The second coming is not in just one, but in two parts. First, we
have the "Rapture". This is where Jesus will call all those who have
virtually received HIM to come home. He will raise the believer's
from the dead....and those who are living up to Heaven to be with
HIM forever.
But....part two...will take place approximately seven years later. This
event will see the return of Jesus in "full glory and power". It is here that
HE will descend upon the world and defeat all of HIS enemies....and will
establish His kingdowm upon the earth.
He will personally rule in peace and harmony for 1,000 years. I am
sure of the two events most of us would agree the Rapture is of the utmost
Its the next event on the prophetic calendar of God, and its going to
happen. It can happen at anytime, Jesus is going to return. So we
need to be ready.
A few things we need to understand regarding the Rapture. It will be sudden.
We are told it will take place in the twinkling of an eye. The bottom line
will either be ready or you won't. No announcements will be made, no
advertisements posted, HE will come for HIS people in a split second.
In other words,....yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissary
note, and today is the only spendable cash that we have.
It will also be solemn, because those who don't know the Lord will be left
behind. Today is the time of preparation. The Rapture will signal the beginning
of the Great Tribulation.
The Rapture will be shocking, many will expect to go to Heaven, but will be
left behind. Many have false hopes of Heaven, but remember....God knows
your heart. There is only one way to Salvation, once its obtained it carries a
priceless guarantee.
It will be satisfying, there will be a great reunion. With loved ones meeting,
don't forget the old saints, and Jesus will all be there. What a reunion this
will be !
You will have a glorified, new body. Just think there will be no more death,
sorrow, pain, suffering, etc. You will have a new home (the desires of your
heart). is just temporary. Heaven is eternal life ....if we are ready.
Also, one should understand it will be a sad event for some. If they are lost,
we as Christians will never see them again. I need to caution you, either way
its "forever" whether you are saved and have eternal life, or whether you are
lost and have eternal death. So yes, it will be a sad thing for some.
My infamous question is....."what about your"? Will your future be in Heaven
or Hell? If we have done things right it will be freedom for us. You see, we just
simply leave this old world behind and all of its problems.
If there exists the slightest doubt in your mind concerning your relationship with
HIM....then you need to do something about it and correct it before its too late.
Tom Lewis
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