Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weather Wednesday

Hello Wingers,

Well to say this past month's weather has been something else, would be putting it mildly.

In the past month, Mary and I have been to Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Louisiana and back home to Texas.

On our trip up to Iowa, we drove through Moore, Oklahoma (before the tornado) and later we spent the night in Wichita, Kansas. That night we had a black sky, high winds, hard rain and hail. To say we were nervous was an understatement. We couldn't wait to get started the next day. We we arrived in Altoona, Iowa, we were greeted with more bad weather. We began to wonder if we should have stayed home. 

As you all probably remember, about 2 days after we left Texas, Granbury, Texas was hit with a tornado - 50-60 homes destroyed and 6 people killed and numerous people injured.

After our visit to Iowa, we left and drove to Independence, Missouri and visited the Truman, Library, and then on to Carthage, Missouri to visit Precious Moments, and then through Joplin, Missouri (almost 2 years to the day from when they were hit by the tornado that nearly destroyed the town). 

We then continued on to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to spend the night. We planned to go downtown the next morning and see the memorial park where the explosion occurred several years ago. That night the local weather man made us to understand that the weather over in the Wichita Falls, Texas area (where we planned to go next) wasn't the best and was going to get worse - we decided to forget about visiting Oklahoma City and "tuck tail" and get on I-35 south and go just as fast as we could back to Granbury. As we traveled back home we went right through Moore, Oklahoma again - 2 days later, the tornado went right through where we had traveled.

As I write this article, Mary and I are watching the Weather Channel and seeing where storms and tornados have again hit Oklahoma and some of your areas. We hope and pray that you and yours came through these storms and tornados without injury and/or damage to your property.

Linda Carter several days ago sent me an email in which she said to me:

Paul, I would go in front of you, or ride with you, but I'm not going behind you, as destruction seems to follow you around. 

All I can say is Mary and I are very blessed.

We would like to hear reports about all of this weather that has occurred in your area. There are fires, floods, and tornadoes all over the United States and it isn't all just happening in the Midwest.

Until next time.


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